Certification Course
- Executive Protection: Definition
- History of Modern Executive Protection
- Executive Protection: Categories
- Certification in Executive Protection
- Team Organization
- Executive Protection: Strategy
- Professional Development
Executive Protection: Definition
ASIS International defines executive protection as the field of safeguarding a key person from harm.
Key Person
- At Risk Persons:
- High-net worth
- Elected official
- Corporate executive
- High ranking military officer
History of Modern Executive Protection
United States Secret Service: 1865
- 1894: Informal presidential protection for President Cleveland
- 1902: USSS assumed full-time responsibility for protecting the U.S. President
Corporate Interest in Executive Protection: Early to Mid 1970s
- Terrorism and kidnappings
- 09/05/1977: Hans Martin Schleyer
- Red Army Faction
- Extensive pre-attack surveillance
- Murdered: the security driver and three police officers (escort)
- Video of attack
- Red Army Faction
- 09/05/1977: Hans Martin Schleyer
Executive Protection Categories
- Public Sector Protection (Obama Video):
- Tax- payer funded
- Mandated
- Overt or direct protection
- Used in medium to high threat environments
- Armed personnel
- Arrest authority
- Private Sector Protection
- Privately funded
- Board-driven
- Indirect protection/low profile
- Low threat environments
- Unarmed personnel
- No law enforcement authority: licensing required
- State regulated
- Security officer training and certification
- No standard or certification for EP
Team Organization
Solo practitioner to a large contingent
Close Protection Team
- Team or shift leader
- Flanks or wings
- Point
- Rear
Advance Team
- Advances: remote and on-site
- Security surveys
- Route selection
Security Drivers
- Principle
- Escort vehicles
Counter Assault Teams (CAT)
- High risk protection
- QRF capable
- Uniformed officers with specialized equipment
Residential Security Teams
Executive Protection: Strategy
- Physical protection system
- People, procedures, and equipment
- Layered approach (using the complete PPS)
- Situational awareness (White House video)
- 4 D’s (videos for each)
Professional Development
- LEO and military experience are not required:
- Did the person work in protective services?
- Hard and soft skills
Training and certification:
- Choose your training based on your goal:
- Select a school that will provide you with the skills necessary for you to meet your goal
EP- An Intro for Security Officers.pdf